Friday 9 February 2018

Woman Who Wore Mask For Years To Heal From Burn Attack Unveils Stunning New Memoir

In 2012, she was the victim of a horrific crime. A woman who believed that Dana was involved with her estranged husband broke into Dana’s home and doused her
with methylated spirits before setting her on fire. The woman, who was later convicted of the crime, laughed as Dana screamed in pain.
Dana suffered third-degree burns to 64% of her body and face. In two years, she underwent countless procedures and surgeries to regain her physical functions.

Then, nearly three years after the life-changing event, she took off her compression mask for the first time to reveal her new face. Her fighting spirit and determination to live carried her through all the tough times, including when she was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2013.
She tells LittleThings: “I never chose to be burned alive, but I did choose to fight for my family, my friends, and my life. I’m not just alive, I’m living!”
She documented her inspiring story of survival in her new book, Worth Fighting For . She is also on Facebook at We Heart Dana Vulin! Keep reading to find out more about Dana’s incredible journey .
Dana Vulin knows that it’s a miracle she is alive today.

After overcoming so many obstacles, there is nothing she can’t conquer!
It all started in 2012, when Dana was just 25 years old. A woman jealous that Dana had spoken to her estranged husband at a party broke into her home, doused her in chemicals, and set her on fire. The recovery was a long and painful process. She was in a coma for days and underwent over 200 procedures over the course of just a few years in order to regain her strength and physical capabilities. But through it all, her fighting spirit never wavered.In order to allow the third-degree burns to heal, she had to wear a compression mask over her face.

She kept it on for almost three years before unveiling her new face on television. Then, in late 2013, she was diagnosed with cervical cancer — yet another hurdle she was able to overcome, though it meant even more operations. Now, five years after her ordeal, Dana is telling her incredible story of survival. She is living proof that with some faith, determination, and a support system, you can tackle even the most daunting of life’s obstacles. Dana is truly an inspiration! She chronicles her journey thus far in her new book, Worth Fighting For , which can be delivered for free worldwide. Part of the proceeds of Dana’s new book will go to the Burns Foundation. Leading up to the release.

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