Wednesday 7 February 2018

Embrace Peace, A Nigeria Blogger Kemy Ife Advice

Life itself is complicated and we the dwellers of the land are said to be callous, dubious and polygamous in one way or the other, our wants are never met, and we
don't seems to demand less and sometimes we aspire for the impossible. When a lady goes into a relationship she goes with her heart but the guys does they do it with their dump ass. I have read articles about sex, love and all sorts of relationship including marriages and I found out that the truth is yet to be told the guys does and run their life freely and the ladies are been questioned due to the norms and traditions that surrounds our existence as an African

In this part of the world, love no longer have a root, it branches are so tiny that the breeze is so scared to blow pass it, no one is island on it own is just a phrase to encourage friendship but what if people around chose not to be your friend? Lets embrace true love in one accordance.

Marriages and beautiful love stories dies within a twinkle of an eyes as a result of lack of trust and respect and we end up blaming it on an ancestral Power that we do not know, its heartbreaking discouraging when I see or hear how a week, a month or a year marriage is thrown into the ocean, what and where is the fate of oneness and together of tomorrow when all we did today was war and war? We all should embrace peace and true love, in unity greater things will be accomplished, in unity walls of Jericho fell, in unity wonder, miracle and magical things happens, put aside all ego  financial status, race,  tradition and tribe and political party, to embrace love in one accordance.

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