Friday 9 February 2018

Ways To Make Your Outfits Look Expensive

Nobody wants to look cheap, but not everybody can afford expensive clothes. We’d all really love to buy everything we need from Balenciaga or Gucci but many of
our wallets would not be able to handle that lifestyle. Designer clothes can cost anywhere from $1000 and above and if you convert that to Naira, you already know that’s a whole lot. Relax though, because we’re here to help you look expensive without breaking the bank.

That’s the great thing about fashion, it covers everyone no matter how much you earn. The key to looking great is not really in the cost of what you wear, but how you wear it. Don’t get us wrong, designer clothes are luxurious and yummy. They glide down your skin and just feel warm and rich and just positively superb. But that’s not what we’re here for. If you want to know how to look expensive without getting into debt, these tips are for you:

There’s almost nothing that can elevate your outfit quite like accessories can. It’s amazing what a gorgeous neck piece of fancy bracelet can do to an otherwise drab look. If you want to look expensive, pay special attention to your accessories. Avoid gaudy, overly shiny pieces and aim for classic styles to look like a million bucks.

Get it tailored
Even if you buy a ready-made outfit, taking it to the tailor can make it look extra special. A few adjustments here and there will make your outfit look bespoke, and we all know that bespoke clothes spell big money.

Iron your clothes
Ironed clothes always look much better than rumpled ones, and it’s trickier to tell if clothes are cheap or expensive when they’re well pressed. No matter how cheap your outfit is, taking the time to iron it will make it look much better and last much longer.

Be a minimalist
If you want to look expensive, then you should aim for minimalist fashion. Avoid any outfit or trend that involves overly bright colours or loud statements. Keep it simple.

Wear monochrome
Monochrome outfits just have a way of making you stand out. The best part is that you don’t even look like you’re trying. This is an amazing way to look classy and rich without breaking the bank. Throw on a pair of dark shades when you can for added style power.

Above all, looking like a million dollars is really a state of mind. So walk tall and know that you’re a superstar whether you’re in Prada or not.

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