Sunday 4 February 2018

Best Way To Loss Fat

Humans generally tend to gain weight with age. This is known as healthy weight gain. Problem arises when, certain parts of your
body start accumulating more fat than normal. I would like to share few tips, following which you can avoid gaining weight around your waist area.
Recommended exercises to lose belly fat are planks, weight lifts and my favourite yoga.
Follow me to get more tips on fitness and weight loss.

  • Dieting is good, but crash dieting should never be an option. Reason being, when you skip or avoid your meals, you lose weight for a temporary period of time. The weight you lose is not because of fat shedding but because of muscle loss. In turn, fat becomes more stubborn, and would be the last option for your body to choose fat to shed, upon crash diet. 
  • Maintain your metabolism and boost it with regular meals. Ideally grab some healthy snack every 2–3 hours. 
  • At night, try to sleep on time. This helps to maintain your metabolism. Otherwise, belly fat keeps accumulating and becomes difficult to lose. 
  • Drink lot of water throughout the day. After meals, drink hot water to improve digestion and to keep your metabolism up. 
  • Make a point to consume green tea upto five times a day to boost metabolism.

The above tips can be followed when you are already having belly fat issues.

Recommended exercises to lose belly fat are planks, weight lifts and my favourite yoga.
Follow me to get more tips on fitness and weight loss.

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