Saturday 27 January 2018

Man Was Mauled By An Known Animal

These are the photos showing the gruesome injuries an elderly man suffered after a mystery animal crept into his home and attacked him while he was asleep.

According to The Sun UK, the man, in his 80s was in bed at his home in Thurnby Lodge, Leicester in England when he was savaged by the animal in the early hours of yesterday morning.
The man’s family, who wanted to protect his identity, said that the room was dark at the time so he was unable to see what animal caused his injuries.
Photos of the severe injuries have been released to show the extent and severity of the attack. Councillor for the area Teresa Aldred, who knows the family, is urging people, particularly the elderly, to keep their windows shut at night.

Ms Aldred said: “It’s not good to know that there is something out there that can do this kind of thing.
“There are a lot of bungalows in this area and a lot of elderly people. That’s why I’m saying to people they should keep their windows shut.
“People are worried and saying, ‘What would have happened if it had been a child?’.
“There’s no doubt it came through his window into his bedroom and the injuries are awful."
Commentators on social media have suggested the creature could be a dog, a panther or even a raccoon.
Although it is largely thought to have been a feral cat, which is not used to being close to humans.

The OAP also has cats of his own.
The man's family contacted Leicestershire Police about the incident because they feared there could be a dangerous animal on the loose. Ms Aldred said:

“We just don’t know what it was, although the police are saying they think it was probably a feral cat.
“This is an elderly man and I know he has a good family around him who will do everything to take care of him.
“He’s also receiving a lot of support from the community.”
Sergeant Rob Merrall, of the Humberstone area’s beat team, confirmed the attack was thought to have been carried out by a feral cat to the Leicester Mercury.

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