Monday 22 January 2018

I will cook good meal for you, an Imo man tells future wife

Do you believe in true love or the special one? Thinking about it, what does love mean to people, does love mean endless care and support or does it mean something else?
Love means different things to different people but it signifies happiness for everyone.

A Nigerian man, who believes love means having a best friend that would always be there no matter what has shared a message. The young man identified as Udeh Nicky Ikeakam shared a message for his future wife. Ikeakam who shared his message on Igboist Facebook page expressed that he would do anything for his wife if she promises to be his best friend. The man noted that he would cook good food for her and even teach her things if she stays his best friend.

The man further pleaded with his future wife not to cheat on him. He wrote: “If teaching you and sometimes making you good food would make you my best friend...Then why worry??? I'm 100% game. But please don't cheat on me.”
Ikeakam also prepared a nice delicious looking meal to show off his skills to his future wife. He prepared white rice and garnished it with healthy sauce. The young man promised to cook for his future wife Photo source:

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