Friday 2 March 2018

My married lover rejected my pregnancy, what should I do?

It was a midday in a bus, there was a lady seating next to me, she has a sun shade on, she had her makeup on as well but despite the makeup no her face I could still tell that she's got pimples and dark spots on her face
then I thought of introducing Oriflame products her to but then realized  she was crying, I wonder why a beautiful good looking young lady her will be crying in the bus, I said to myself so I tried to be nice to her but all efforts were aborted, she kept drying the tears as it streams down her chicks with a handkerchief, are you alright I asked her? Am pregnant she said. I took a deep breath and I congratulated her but then  knew there was no ring on her finger, are you married? I ask her and she said no then I started reasoning why she was crying. Have you told him about it? She said yes and said she would like to have a private discussion with me. We alighted at the next bus stop and there she narrated her romantic love story with her married boss.

This is her story:

It all started in 2015 when we met on a social media platform. We exchange contacts and we started chatting and talking. I didn't really give him much attention then cause I was still in school then and there  was a long distance between us. I relocated back to Lagos with after my youth service with the aim of getting a job which  I did after seven months of searching. My first day at work was quiet funny, I was nervous and a bit naive as well. It was almost break hour when the intercom on my desk rang and it was CEO of the company that called me, I quickly dashed off my seat and went to see him and on getting there it was Matins, the one guy I've been chatting and talking with on phone. Hello Lara, he said. I was so reluctant to say a word cause I couldn't believe my eyes. I was still by the door standing, stirring at him in surprise when he walked up to me and slowly walk me to sit down, why didn't you tell me you are finally in Lagos, it break hour, let go have lunch, he said.

Before I knew what was happening we were into each other deeply and madly in love, he showed me with gifts, he made me do things I couldn't I never thought of doing, he loved me with everything he had and for the first time in my life I felt everything was fine with me. We had beautiful and wonderful moment. We were like that for four months with unprotected sex and on the third week of the fifth month I found out I was pregnant. I couldn't tell on phone cause I don't know how he  will feel about it so I decided to tell on Monday after walk. I went to his office on Monday afternoon to tell him about the pregnancy, on getting to his office I was on phone, talking angrily,  for the first time I saw him angry. He dropped the call immediately I entered his office. Are you okay? I asked him. It's my wife, she nags alwsys and get angry at every little mistake I make, he said.

I was shocked. You are married? I asked him and he said yes, I rushed out of his office and went to mine, I thought of what to do but non came to my mind. He was driving me home that Monday evening when I broke the news to him but he said I should get rid of the pregnancy cause he's got a wife with three kids, he said he is not willing and ready have a second wife nor have another child from another woman. I told him my health does not permit me to have an abortion, I told him will take care of the child all by myself. He insisted I should go for an abortion cause sooner or later his wife will find out and that might break his home.

That's Lara's story with her married boss. what's your advice for her?

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