Tuesday 6 March 2018

Best way to Attract Your Spouse

Are you finding it hard to get your spouse’s attention? Sometimes, all you need is a simple push. A boost to his or her ego, so that he/she will believe you desire him/her, physically as well as emotionally. Other times, your partner needs just a little extra effort on your part to be enticed and drawn towards you.

Attraction is an integral ingredient of matrimony. Marriages tend to last longer and more enjoyable when couples are attracted to each other. This singular act accounts for partner’s feeling good about themselves and as a result willing and ready to please the other. Sexual attraction dwindles in every marriage. It could be caused by stress, busy schedules or in-laws interference. For example, having in laws in town for the weekend can put one or both of you in poor frame of mind. This will certainly put some roadblocks to your overall arousal levels.
Been married for quite a number of years could take its toll on a couple physically, emotionally this in turn will cause attraction level to diminish Naturally, couples are faced with the challenge of aging, getting wrinkles and comparing themselves to younger and more attractive individuals. All hopes are not lost as there are several ideas for preserving and nurturing attraction to one’s partner on a long term. The very first act of keeping your spouse attracted to you without debating is sex! This is one of the most significant tool that keeps most marriages from breaking. It is one of the proven ways to express love and affection in relationships.
Love is a powerful attraction. Developing and cultivating love feelings and actions for our spouse, is likely to boost our attraction for them. Be expressive with your love every single day, go out of your way to do something extra sweet for your mate. The more love we feel, the more attractive we become. The more we are bonded and connected to our partner, the more likely we will be attracted to them.
Go on a date for two in one of your favourite restaurants or hangouts; indulge in quality time together and get to the next level of initiating sex. Initiate sex. Don’t wait for your spouse to always make the first move. Let him/her know that you are waiting for those private moment to come, whereby you seduce, smooch and you will definitely love what happens next.
Get committed in the act of loving, recognize those positive attributes in your spouse, acknowledge and appreciate them for possessing those traits. Take interest in your spouse’s interests be it movies, sports, music, dance or cars. Show interest in what he /she likes, your effort will be well appreciated and this will boost intimacy.
Grow and explore a deeper attachment with your man/woman as human beings are embodiment of many layers and complexities. Having to relate can be a kind of unimaginable experience, seeking to uncover hidden qualities and making stirring discoveries that will help you feel more alluring to your partner.
Don’t be passive, instead, be active. You don’t have to wait for enticement to land on you. Cherish and enjoy each other’s company. Look for new activities to do together. Be creative and cultivate friendship with each other. Stop comparing, to glance is one thing, but having a longing fantasy for another, can be something entirely different which could be hurtful.
Be health conscious, follow a regular fitness regime. Do this to keep fit and in shape. Exercise will help to strengthen your immune system, improves your stamina which will put you in the right frame of mind. It will also make your partner attentive and charming towards you.
Learn to dress appropriately at any point in time. Know your spouse’s preference, know your mate’s colour , style and display that gorgeous side of you. Wear clothes that fit. Observe basic hygiene- comb your hair, trim the hair under your armpit, go for manicure and pedicure. Use good perfume and smell nice. All these will produce positive results. Keep yourself updated with happenings around you, as spouses prefer to have mates that are knowledgeable, can hold discussion and have view points on different topics. This will keep both of you engaged in a healthy conversation. For a beginner, read newspaper and magazines.
Be mischievous by surprising your spouse with naughty, sexy encounter at any given chance. It can be in the bathroom, sitting room, kitchen even when he /she is engrossed in phone calls. Arouse your partner with your acts as this will leave room to ask for more.There is a saying that ‘’the way to a man’s heart is through the stomach’’. For the purpose of this write up, it will be applicable to both the man and his woman. Cooking is seen as an admirable quality, make your partner’s favourite meal: you don’t have to be a professional cook to do this. Going out of your way to cook something really matters, especially as this is an awesome way of rekindling your bond. Form a spiritual bond with each other as prayer is a very strong and powerful tool used in enhancing attraction to one’s companion. Share common goals, missions, purposes and dream. Get into something larger than a common passion as this is likely to connect your hearts together.
In conclusion, marriages are made in heaven. Nevertheless, you have to put in additional efforts to keep your wedding boat sailing. In this January, join hearts and be determined to start and finish as a united couple.

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