Monday 29 January 2018

Jay-Z Was Asked If He'd Forgive Beyoncé For Cheating On Him And His Answer Was Surprisingly Candid

Jay-Z just gave an in-depth interview with Van Jones on CNN — and when asked about his marriage with Beyoncé, the rapper was surprisingly candid.

Now, for those of you who lived under a rock for the entirety of 2016, let me bring you up to speed: Jay-Z allegedly had some sort of ~marital indiscretion~ in the past, Beyoncé released an album about it, and the world went briefly insane .

The pair stayed together, and nowadays they seem to be doing just fine. So in Sunday's interview, Van Jones asked Jay-Z a whole bunch of questions about their marriage, starting with why they fought so hard to get it back on track.

"Well, it's my soulmate. This person I love," he said.
"For us, we chose to fight for our love, for our family, to give our kids a different outcome. To break that cycle."
And when Jones referred to the two as a "celebrity couple," Jay-Z corrected him.
"We were never a 'celebrity couple.' We were a couple who just happened to be celebrities. Like, real people."

When asked what his advice would be for other men who have made mistakes in their relationships, Jay-Z talked about the importance of acknowledging the pain you've caused, even when it's difficult to hear.

"The best apology is changed behavior," he said

Jones also asked if Jay-Z would have forgiven Beyoncé if she'd been the one to cheat.

"I hope," he said. "Because I love her the same way. No matter — no matter what side, I love her the same way."
"Her strength...She's the strongest woman I know. Her and my mother, they're battling for number one," the rapper concluded.

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