Friday, 12 January 2018

It was  Sunday, I rubbed anointing oil on it and Alleluia, the "skoin-skoin" of this toolbox-sized TV ceased and it was perfect picture all day (only on that Sunday)! Then & there, I saw a promo for an audition:
New young actors and actresses wanted for the most popular family series back then. (D Executive Producer is late now, Heaven bless her soul!). I was FRIGGING EXCITED. Jotted down d address, went d next day (Monday) to their office in Ikeja, paid 2k for d form & got the Audition dates.
"The actual auditioning date was the same day as my Matric. Even before the Matric, I posed with a makeshift gown (cos I couldn't afford one) & raced to Ikeja in my very best ensemble (My Dad's checkered shirt, my best denim pants, borrowed shades and my Yaba-Aba-made trainers that always smelt so bad after I took them off).
I was at the auditioning ground from 10am thru till 7pm waiting for my turn. I honestly didn't mind the long wait...I wanted to be on the show so bad cos I needed the cash, exposure and of course, work. My turn and I went in with all d confidence in d world.

"They called in 10 of us & when it was time to act, I nailed it. However, there was an Actor on the panel (very popular at that time) who was eyeing me in disdain. He suddenly started throwing questions at me, perhaps in a bid to make me look stupid or throw me off but i was da*n ready for him.
"He looked me squarely in the eye and told me, I recall this too well; "YOU WILL NEVER MAKE IT IN THIS INDUSTRY. YOU ARE TALENTLESS AND JUST WASTED OUR TIME. YOU WANT US TO PUT U ONSCREEN? SUCH A DISGRACE". I thought he was reading from d script. Next thing, I was walked out with the others.
D other guys tried consoling me but I left shattered. Trekked from Ikeja to Yaba. Cried all The way home.
U know my name, not my story.
U've heard what I've done, but not what I'v been thru!"

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