Thursday 2 May 2019

3 Terrible Mistakes You Should Avoid Before Turning 30

A lot of what happens in your adulthood may be dependent on what happens when growing up. It is your youthful years that will set the tempo for who you become in the future.

Terrible mistakes will almost lead to a very terrible lifestyle in the future. As a guardian of your own life, therefore, you should work as much as you can
to minimize some of the mistakes that you may certainly make while growing up.
Here are the mistakes you shoulders avoid when growing up:

1. Prolonged relationships with the 
wrong people

There is no point in staying in a romantic relationship with people who are always afraid of commitment. It does not make any sense to be in a relationship spanning a period of, for example, five or so years and yet the 'partner' does not show any sign of seriousness for the long run.

You must seek clarity and chop them off your course if they continue taking you around and in circles. Happiness is a very key component of general living.

Anyone who tries to inhibit that is an enemy and should just be treated as such. There can't be a middle ground with people who are stumbling blocks to your development.

2. Excessive borrowing

Debts cannot help you accomplish anything even if you have the best plans laid out. As a youth below the age of 30, you should learn to work hard to generate income and develop on your own.

Borrowing only helps pull you into a deep slumber and false sense of security. Every time you borrow, you will think you are getting help make progress but then you will have to, in one way or the other, pay for that.

It is like skipping step A in favour of step C and then later abandoning C to deal with A.

3. Valuing money over learning

There is nothing as powerful as knowledge. knowledge is what you should seek when growing up. You do not have to rush anything.

Trust the process and learn first and fast. Once you have enough knowledge, the money will come in handy.

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