Tuesday 9 April 2019

Mummy Stabs Boyfriend To Death After Seeing Messages To Other Women On His Phone

A woman has been jailed for life by a court after she killed her boyfriend who was cheating on her.

A single mummy stabbed her boyfriend through the heart after daubing " cheat" on his car has been found guilty of murder

Lindsey Gabriel, 31, told victim James Field that he "didn't know what she was capable of" before killing him in front of her 13-year-old son.

Today, Gabriel was jailed for life, with a minimum sentence of 14 years.
James was found by a passer-by on the pavement outside Gabriel's house in Bugle, Cornwall.

He had suffered a single stab wound that went through his ribs and into his heart. He died later that night in September last year.


It took a jury less than four hours to convict her of one count of murder at Truro Crown Court.
The trial heard a blood-stained kitchen knife used to stab James was found by police stuffed down a drain to the side of a suspect's property.
Prosecuting, Jo Martin told the jury how the defendant and victim had been in an on/off relationship and how, on the day James died, Gabriel sent furious text messages in which she told him he "didn't know what she was capable of".


She also told a friend that he had been playing away, adding "who does he think I am Snow White or Batman? I'm Lindsey fucking Gabriel".

Gabriel proceeded to vandalise James' car that was parked on her drive, daubing words such as "cheat" and

"player" before arranging for it to be towed away.

During the trial Martin played the jury a 999 call made by Gabriel where she can be heard shouting "get out of my house" before hysterically screaming and handing the phone to her 13-year-old son.

Martin described how Gabriel then went outside shouting at others that James had a knife, kicking away his rucksack as he lay motionless on the floor.

However Martin added that when onlookers attempted CPR and flipped Mr Field over they could see that he didn't have a weapon on him.


Gabriel then went back inside and made a brief call to her father asking him to pick up her son before the police called back.

Martin said: "When the police called back Lindsey Gabriel told them she was upstairs and the house was insecure because Mr Field had kicked the door in. She told police he had a knife and that there was blood all over the house.

"She said James Field stabbed her and had kicked through the front door with a knife in his hand."

Gabriel insisted throughout her trial that James burst into her home and stabbed himself and that she had no idea how the knife, from a set in her kitchen, got into the drain.

The court today was told after the verdict was read out that Gabriel has two outstanding charges of assault occasioning actual bodily harm for which she has yet to be sentenced.

Culled from TheSunUK

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